I love gallery walls. When I put a gallery wall together there are some basics I always keep in mind!
First, I find all the art I want to hang and pick one major focal pic. For this gallery wall in my boys’ room, I picked the Lisa Fogt water print as the focal point because my kids like it and it’s the biggest picture.
After picking the focal point, I look at spacing. I find that evenly spacing the pictures on gallery walls will keep your eye on the art and will keep your gallery wall from looking messy. Here, I decided on a distance of around 3.5” to space out the other art work, which worked well on the [SIZE OF WALL] wall. Another tip for putting together gallery walls is to vary the size and framing of your artwork. In this room, I used a lot of the boys’ original artwork so I wanted to keep the frames very simple. When creating gallery walls in other rooms, I try to keep the artwork in a similar color family to create cohesion, but I vary the frames and size of artwork.
You also need to work with the space you are in. We have a tv in our bedroom, and when I created a gallery wall around the tv, I decided to stick to black and white artwork because I wanted to keep it pretty classic. I went for an asymmetric placement here because it worked better with the artwork I wanted to put in here. :). So while there are tips to making things look good, remember there are no rules in design. Just play around with what works best in your space.
I like to hang most pics on two nails, which allows you to move the art either right or left and will ensure that your pics are never crooked. Otherwise, I use plastic bumpers like these and stick them on the bottom of the frames which prevent them from moving. And remember, behind a good gallery wall, there are a ton of holes in the wall, so don’t worry about making it perfect!